Cheat-test 000-M04 Certification Exam
1. Which of the following are valid editions within the WebSphere Application Server V6 offering?
A. WebSphere Application Server (base)
B. WebSphere Application Server Small Business
C. WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
D. WebSphere Application Server Express
Answer: ACD
2. Which of the following components are included as part of WebSphere Application Server's basic architecture?
A. Messaging engine
B. Name server
C. HTTP server
D. JavaBeans container
Answer: ABC
3. Which of the following are supported cell configurations where co-existence of WebSphere Application Server
versions exists?
A. Version 5.x nodes can be included in a Version 6 cell
B. Version 6 servers can be added to mixed Version 5.x/Version 6 clusters
C. Version 6 servers can be added to a Version 5.x cluster
D. Co-existence of versions cannot occur
Answer: AB
4. Which version of the J2EE specification is WebSphere Application Server V6 based on?
A. J2EE 1.1
B. J2EE 1.2
C. J2EE 1.3
D. J2EE 1.4
Answer: D
5. What technology is intended to make it easier for application and tool developers to create, view, update, and
delete data that is stored in a variety of backend data stores?
A. WebSphere instances
B. Single signon
C. Service Data Object architecture
D. Enterprise Service Bus
Answer: C
6. Which of the following are true of WebSphere Platform Messaging and WebSphere Application Server V6?
A. The messaging server process is part of the application server.
B. There is no connectivity to external instances of WebSphere MQ.
C. Each server can have its own messaging engine.
D. The base installation provides a pure Java JMS 1.0 provider as part of the application server.
Answer: AC
7. When installing the application serving environment, what are the options for beginning the installation for
each component (i.e., the WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server, etc)
A. Install each component directly using the install command in the component directory
B. Extract the downloadable ZIP files to the appropriate installation directory
C. Use the launchpad to install any component on the product disc
D. Start the WebSphere Application Server installation and install each option from within this process
Answer: AC
8. What can a system administrator use to access and administer WebSphere Application Server?
A. Standalone administrative console
B. Web-based administrative console
C. wsadmin command-line client
D. JMX-based custom administrative client
Answer: BCD
9. Which of the following are true regarding the AdminApplication?
A. Accessed through http://localhost:9060/ibm/adminApp
B. Runs exclusively within the node agent on a node
C. Can be managed through the console's listing of installed applications
D. Protected by WebSphere security
Answer: D
10. Which of the following are options for starting a stand-alone application server?
A. Access the application server using the administrative console and click Start
B. Issue the startServer command at the command line
C. Issue the startNode command
D. Run a wsadmin script that contains the startServer command
Answer: B - Offers the Best exam questions for popular certification exams
11. Which of the following are true of the various command line tools available with WebSphere Application
Server to start and stop the WebSphere managed processes?
A. Command line tools can be run for local servers, local nodes, remote servers, and remote nodes
B. The server must be running to access all the command line tools
C. Each command must be executed relative to a specified or default profile
D. Running a command from the application server's bin directory executes the command against the default
Answer: CD
12. Using the Ant tool provided with WebSphere Application Server, what pre-defined tasks can you carry out
with Ant scripts?
A. Start and stop servers in a base configuration
B. Run the EJB deployment tool
C. Run the JSP file precompilation tool
D. Install and uninstall application servers
Answer: ABC
13. What are a set of WebSphere user-customizable data files, which run in combination with a set of shared
read-only product binary files, called?
A. Product files
B. Configuration files
C. Data files
D. Profiles
Answer: D
14. What tools are used to create profiles?
A. First steps console
B. Profile creation wizard
C. wsadmin
D. wasprofile
Answer: BD
15. Which features supported by WebSphere Application Server V6 facilitate simplified deployment and updating
of enterprise applications?
A. Security roles
B. Fine-grained updates
C. Enhanced EAR file support
D. Minimum file security
Answer: BC
16. Applications that will be deployed on WebSphere Application Server V6 may contain which of the following
files types?
A. J2EE-compliant deployment descriptors
B. IBM bindings
C. IBM extensions
D. HTML and GIF files
Answer: ABCD
17. Which one of the following is a quick method of accessing a set of applications that demonstrate common
enterprise application tasks?
A. The Samples Gallery
B. Creating and installing a simple Hello World application
C. WebSphere Tutorial Suite
D. Migrating applications from previously installed versions of WebSphere Application Server
Answer: A
18. What application assembly tools are included with WebSphere Application Server?
A. Application Assembly Tool
B. Rational Application Developer
C. Application Server Toolkit
D. wsadmin
Answer: C
19. What is the function of class loaders?
A. Ensure that deployed application modules can access the classes and resources they require to run
B. Preload classes required for installing WebSphere Application Server
C. Load classes at application installation time
D. Improve performance of the application server
Answer: A
20. Which of the following modules are installable on WebSphere Application Server?
A. EAR files
B. WAR files
C. RAR files
D. ZIP files
Answer: ABC
21. What tasks can be performed with wsadmin?
A. Scripting
B. Application configuration
C. Administration from the command line
D. Profile creation
Answer: ABC
22. What is the object-oriented scripting language that can be used with wsadmin?
A. Jython
B. Javascript
C. Java
D. C++
Answer: A
23. Which wsadmin object accesses the WebSphere Application Server static configuration information to
facilitate configuration changes?
A. AdminApp
B. AdminConfig
C. AdminTask
D. Help
Answer: B
24. Which authentication mechanisms are supported by WebSphere Application Server V6?
Answer: BC
25. What mechanism allows a user to authenticate only once in a DNS domain and be able to access resources in
other WebSphere Application Server cells without getting prompted again?
B. Single signon
D. Unified security
Answer: B
26. Which of the following are true regarding security in WebSphere Application Server?
A. Java2 security is enabled by default
B. Enabling administrative security activates security on all WebSphere Application Server components
C. Incorrectly configuring security can result in inadvertently locking users out of the administrative console
D. Java 2 security and administrative security can be configured independently of one another
Answer: BCD
27. What provides server-side data collection and a client-side API to retrieve performance data?
A. Performance viewer
B. Tivoli Performance Viewer
C. Performance Monitoring Infrastructure
D. Advisor architecture
Answer: C
28. Which performance advisors are provided by WebSphere Application Server?
A. Performance and Diagnostic Advisor
B. Tivoli Performance Viewer's performance advisor
C. Performance Monitoring Infrastructure advisors
D. JVM Performance Advisor
Answer: AB
29. Which of the following are useful resources for identifying problems in WebSphere Application Server?
A. JNDI dump name space
B. Log Analyzer
C. Log files
D. Launchpad
Answer: ABC
30. Which log files only contain information logged by WebSphere Application Server as it starts up and shuts
A. StartServer.log
B. SystemOut.log
C. StopServer.log
D. Activity.log
Answer: AC
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