IBM 000-001 Exam -
Free 000-001 Sample Questions:
1. A competitor in the IBM Maximo Asset Management (IMAM) domain claims that their product contains pre-built workflows and common tasks that span and integrate across asset applications.
What should a solution advisor do when a customer is considering such a solution?
A. Dispute the vendor's claims that these pre-built workflows even exist.
B. Inform the organization that workflow is an unimportant component in asset .
C. Inform the organization that all vendors have the same pre-built workflows incorporated in their products.
D. Inform the customer that if current business processes do not exactly match these workflows, customization is required.
Answer: D
2. What are two common reporting requirements? (Choose two.)
A. the database connectivity method
B. the number of users in the solution
C. the number of reports being installed
D. ability to send completed reports by e-mail
E. reporting output available in Microsoft Excel
Answer: DE
3. What is a rotating item?
A. A rotating item is an individual item that is defined with a common item number. An item is designated as rotating because one wants to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification,and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item record.
B. A rotating item is a set of items that are defined with a specific code. An item is designated as rotating because one does not want to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item record.
C. A rotating item is a set of kits that are defined with a specific description and GL. An item is designated as rotating because one has the single cost to manage prefers to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the assembly record.
D. A rotating item is an individual item that is defined with a common item number and can be a spare part. An item is designated as rotating because one wants to be able to create multiple asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item set records.
Answer: A
4. What will happen to associated preventive maintenance (PM) records when an asset is decommissioned?
A. There is no automatic method to change the PM(s) status to INACTIVE.
B. The PM(s) will become in INACTIVE if 'Change the Status of All Associated PM(s) to Inactive?' is checked while decommissioning the asset.
C. The only way to change the status of the PM(s) to INACTIVE is to remove the assets from the PM(s) and then change the status of the PM(s) to INACTIVE.
D. If the 'Change the Status of All Associated PM(s) to Inactive?' is not selected during decommissioning, the PM(s) status will remain ACTIVE; however, work order cannot be generated from the PM having a decommissioned asset.
Answer: B
5. Which application is installed with IBM Enterprise Asset Management for providing reporting capability?
A. Open Database Platform
B. External Report Integration
C. Business Objects/Crystal Reports
D. Business Intelligence Reporting Tool
Answer: D
6. What is a feature of the Integration Framework?
A. Allow bulk importing of XML or flat files.
B. Allow bulk importing from Excel spreadsheets.
C. Allow bulk importing from external/legacy system.
D. Allow bulk importing from one database platform to another.
Answer: A
7. A customer's plant maintenance manager invites a solution advisor to discuss Enterprise Asset Management in general and how it might help the maintenance group work more effectively and efficiently.
What should the solution advisor do in the first meeting with the plant maintenance manager?
A. Ask the plant maintenance manager about the company's history, competition, and market value.
B. Ask the plant maintenance manager about their background, education, and professional experience.
C. Ask the plant maintenance manager about current systems in use, issues with the system,and key areas where the manager wants to see improvements.
D. Ask the plant maintenance manager about the number of employees, union representation, and how IBM Maximo Asset Management can represent employees and their skill sets.
Answer: C
8. A company just hired a new plant maintenance manager, and they are concerned about the number of corrupt asset records in the present system. In future they want to prevent this from happening. When implementing the new solution, what is recommended?
A. All maintenance personnel have full access to all records.
B. All maintenance personnel have read-only access to all data.
C. Only a very limited number of personnel have full access to static data records, but all maintenance personnel are able to enter work order data.
D. Maintenance personnel should not be using the system, and should only write entries on printed work orders and hire input clerks to enter these into the system.
Answer: C
9. When discussing plant maintenance with plant maintenance managers, frequently the topic of using preventive maintenance (PM) comes up. If this is used extensively and the PM work orders are regularly completed, what is told by this about the operation?
A. It is likely that equipment will break down frequently.
B. It is likely that equipment will break down infrequently.
C. It shows that maintenance is performed on an as needed basis.
D. It shows that there are frequent crises when it comes to maintaining equipment.
Answer: B
10. Which two aspects of the client's environment will help determine sizing of the solution? (Choose two.)
A. the number of users
B. the number of locations
C. the number of types of hardware
D. the number of security protocols
E. the number of types of operating systems
Answer: AB
11. Which two internet browsers are supported with IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.1? (Choose two.)
A. Opera
B. Netscape
C. Mozilla Firefox
D. Google Chrome
E. Microsoft Internet Explorer
Answer: CE
12. Which aspect of the client's environment restricts how an asset management tool can be deployed?
A. which database servers are in use
B. which types of hardware are in use
C. which operating systems are in use
D. which authentication and security protocols are in use
Answer: D
13. With which three other business initiatives does Enterprise Asset Management-a business paradigm-integrate strategic planning? (Choose three.)
A. sales
B. operations
C. maintenance
D. balance sheet
E. human resources
F. capital investment decision-making
Answer: BCF
14. Enterprise Asset Management packages offer a wide range of capabilities. Which three areas of capability are covered by IBM Maximo Asset Management solutions? (Choose three)
A. work orders
B. human resources
C. inventory control
D. preventive maintenance
E. facilities schedule management
F. customer relationship management
Answer: ACD
15. Which three benefits do Enterprise Asset Management solutions provide? (Choose three.)
A. Reduce asset life.
B. Increase productivity.
C. Increase risk and costs.
D. Improve return on assets.
E. Reduce total cost of ownership.
F. Minimize collection on warranty claims.
Answer: BDE
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